Euro-Arab Business Council for Small & Medium Enterprises مجلس الأعمال الأوروبي العربي للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة


Doha Branch - فرع الدوحة

The platform for economic cooperation between Europe, Middle East and North Africa

EuroMed Invest Programme

EUROMED Invest, with a budget of €5 million, is one of the main European
programs aiming at developing private investments and economic relations in the
Euro-Mediterranean area

Euro-Arab Conference to Support SMEs

In the framework of strengthening cooperation between Arab and European countries to support and develop Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the Euro-Arab Business Council for SMEs (EABC) organises annually the Euro-Arab Conference to Support SMEs.


ANIMA Investment Network has been training economic development agencies in the Euro-Mediterranean area since 2002. Its training activities are now extended geographically to Europe, the Middle East and Africa region and are addressed to all development actors.
ANIMA training courses are addressed to any person wishing to acquire or develop skills in the field of economic development or international cooperation: professionals from organisations supporting the private sector and promoting territories, actors supporting innovation, local authorities, elected officials, NGOs, consulting firms, international organisations, recent graduates wishing to acquire complementary skills, etc.
The scheduled training courses are open to international participants, in order to foster the exchange of experiences and the development of an international professional network.

Bienal نموذج

أحد نماذج المشروعات الاقتصادية التكاملية، "بينال" المشروع الزراعي الصناعي البيئي المتكامل الذي يحقق النمو الاقتصادي والتنمية المستدامة.(التفاصيل بالفيديو)